At the request of a number of dear friends and readers, I have decided to readdress my journalistic aspirations, and just in time for Valentine's day no less! Calling myself "out of practice" can here be applied to both my writing abilities and my dating life, for many of the stories I am going to share came after long dry spells of speaking and seeing no one. Since I don't date a terrible amount, I've had to dig deep into the vaults--scouring old facebook statuses and tweets--to see what sort of horrifying dating missteps I have yet to share on here. So without further ado: Stupid Cupid Part III.
(Part I and Part II here )
The Music Mogul
When, like me, you use online dating apps for a long time, you begin to pick up on red flags in the subtext of people's profiles an conversations. Sadly, I began talking to MM before I had spent enough time on okCupid to perceive that "work in my sweatpants" was a characteristic I should have stayed far away from.
We had planned to meet for drinks--having decided that neither of us wanted dinner--and set out for some trendy West Village brewhouse. By the time we had arrived (he was wearing jeans and not sweats...I'll get to that) the place had become so shoulder-to-shoulder crowded it was no longer a viable date option. Unfamiliar with the neighborhood I suggested we just walk down the street to see what else we could find. He was pleasant enough and agreed that was a better option than standing on the street corner searching yelp for the next fifteen minutes. As we passed bars he seemed to have a new and escalating complaint for each of them. I never mind walking around so this didn't upset me, but when he stopped me to look at a menu, declared that he hadn't eaten all day, and that he wanted pizza, I was a little agitated.
Under the fluorescent lights, we took a seat by the window and searched the drink menu. He laughed when I suggested wine, and insisted we order some Italian beers. Italy is known for their beer! He ordered a whole pizza, did not offer to share, and was shocked when I ordered a small bread a cheese plate, because, of course, as one does when you just meet for drinks, I had already eaten. He then accused me of possibly having an eating disorder. He would know, because he used to be a talent scout and has met many women with eating disorders. I make a joke about my therapist signing off on my diet and, unexpectedly, he turned ice cold. When I expressed that I was making a joke he told me that his younger brother is severely autistic and that my joke isn't funny because people have REAL problems. I apologized for upsetting him, but pointed out that those two things really aren't related. I could see he wanted to disagree with me, but instead he took the opportunity to talk about the struggles of being the brother of an autistic kid. I empathize, but he still seemed dissatisfied.
Our food arrived and we switched gears. Trying to choke down what was honest-to-God a TERRIBLE cheese plate (how?!) I ask him about his job. He was surprisingly reluctant to tell me anything, considering the detail to which he described his familial problems.
"Well you said in your profile you work in your sweatpants. So you work from home?"
"Sure. I work from home."
Upon further probing I discovered that after years spent as a talent scout in L.A. he moved to NYC to work in finance, but along the way uncovered how to make money by creating fake albums and posting them to Spotify under different aliases. Knowing that a single listen to a song on spotify earns the artist only $.01, I cannot imagine how many made-up musical artists this guy has created in order to sustain a life in a studio apartment in Manhattan with no other source of income. Needless to say I was rather disquieted.
This date was several years ago and the only lasting memory of everything after that conversation was him telling me how he was incredible at his former job because he could notice really acute details about people from their appearance. For instance, he proudly proclaimed, that he was probably the only person to notice that I parted my hair slightly to the side instead of on center. Of course, he didn't think that I had actually done it on purpose because parting one's hair to the side is, according to him, quite rare and usually accidental. So since I apparently don't have the mental capacity to make decisions about how to wear my hair I decided I didn't have the capacity to return any of his text messages after either.
When I dyed my hair a few months later and posted a photo on OKC with my hair in a middle part he sent me a message to compliment me on getting it right that time.
Craptastic Correspondent
Fairly recently I went out with a guy from Tinder. Since Tinder offers far less information about potential dates, I tend to go on fewer of them from that particular app, but when I found a guy from Ohio with a masters degree from Columbia, it didn't seem like such a scary prospect.
I met him around the corner for a drink, and despite his acid-wash jeans and beer t-shirt he was handsome and seemed to have a sense of humor. After about twenty minutes of stimulating discussion, I paused to take a sip of my beer when he started to ask me what would be an entire questionnaire. Favorite movie? Favorite magazine? TV Show? Book? I obliged him for several then couldn't take it any longer and asked him if he thought this was his idea of organic conversation. He apologized, chalking it up to ADD.
Knowing he is a writer I inquired about what sort of pieces he works on, but he (a white boy from suburban Cleveland) disregarded the question and instead gave an entire diatribe against people who dislike Kanye West, who was previously not part of the conversation in any capacity. I listened patiently, trying to make counterarguments about a topic I care absolutely nothing about when he cut me off to ask me which presidential candidate I plan to vote for. I told him it was none of his business and changed the subject.
I don't remember exactly to what topic I changed the conversation, but apparently I had then opened some window through which he felt it was then ok to ask me what I believe happens when people die, am I religious, do I think spirituality is real--questions no person should really ever ask on a first date. My reaction, of course, was that he was simply not interested in me, but didn't know how to end the date so I asked to close my tab.
This act apparently snapped him to his senses or something because he immediately got very mopey and became concerned that I was having a bad time. I told him honestly that I thought his inquiries were inappropriate and that I had no intention of answering them nor sticking around to be scrutinized any further. He again apologized saying that as an investigative journalist it is simply his nature to ask such hard-hitting questions. Mind you, he edits web videos for a women's lifestyle magazine. I left the date nodding about whatever plans he was making to hang out again.
He texted me a week or so later to tell me that he was out at one of my old Columbia haunts talking to a bartender friend of mine. This past week when I happened to stop by that same bar, the mutual bartender mentioned that some guy came in asking about me and bragging about how he had taken me out, but claimed that I had a stick up my ass because I wouldn't call him back.
Maybe I do have a stick up my ass, but at least I know how to converse with other living humans in face-to-face situations.
Millennial Monster
Since guys my age are still at the same maturity level as when their testicles descended, I try to date men a few years older than me to even the playing field. This is a broad generalization, I know, so it's not a hard rule. Sometimes, though, when I find myself on a date with another 25 year old I can't help but be reminded of the horror of the current state of communication in our world. I am speaking, of course, about emojis. One or two emoticons slipped into conversation here and there is fine : /, but when people replace entire sentences it is time for me to tap out. In the case of this boy, who for a week or so of online chatting seemed perfectly capable of adult conversation, asked me on a date, I agreed to go. We made plans on a Monday for the following Saturday and things seemed fine. Until Wednesday, when I got this message:
This is a message I have literally no idea how to respond to. It hurts me on so many levels that even if I did know the appropriate response, I wouldn't be physically capable of sending one. This is when I knew I had made a bad decision. The problem, however, is that this guy was unbelievable hot, and the shallow idiot inside of me decided I would still go on this date.
He turned out to be not only minimally interested in anything I had to say, but almost unbearably rapey. We were going to what he insisted was a "sexy club" and I should wear something scandalous. Feeling good about my body for once I wore my version of sexy which involves high-wasted jeans, a crop top, and an oversized blazer because I am some weak little bitch that caves in the face of social pressure.
The place turned out to be a cafe/bar with projectors playing football so it was not the sexy club I was told to expect, which put me at first. Without going into too much shameful detail, he basically tried to put his hands on me any opportunity he could get. He interjected into every single topic of conversation by interrupting me mid-sentence to tell me how beautiful my eyes are, or how hot my top was. He, at one point, tried to put his hand inside my blazer to put his hand on my back. When he planted a kiss on my face when I returned from the bathroom I called it quits a few minutes later and told him I was closing out.
He accused me of being a tease and told me I need to relax. I deleted his number from my phone and blocked him on okcupid. I am very conflicted because I feel like this should have a been a teaching moment of some sort in which I dramatically threw my beer into his face or shoved him into the bar. I didn't feel unsafe, fortunately, just uncomfortable, and was certainly not looking to get kicked out of a casual speakeasy at 10 o'clock at night. What is frightening though is that aside from his immaturity, he gave no warning signs of being so out of touch with appropriate first date behavior. Sadly, my only advice for avoiding situations like this is to stay home and get a pet bird.
Bar Burgling
There are good dates and there are bad dates. Yet, even when dates go well you have to keep in mind that this is New York City where everybody is just trying to catch a D even if that means stealing other people's dates out from under them.
I was out with a rather nice guy and things seemed to be going well. We were several drinks in and nature was calling so I excused myself and went to the restroom. When I returned I could tell that he was a little fidgety and kind of flushed so I asked him if everything was alright. He hesitated, looking around as if to see if anyone was listening before he replied. According to him, while I was relieving myself, another girl had come up to the table saying something to the following effect:
"I know you're on a date right now, but you are the most incredible-looking guy I have ever seen in my life and if things don't go well I would like you to call me."
Whether she slipped him a number or not he never revealed to me, but my goodness, the guts! While I applaud for her for having the confidence to pull a move like that, knowing how much work goes into filtering through jerks on the internet I do not appreciate her piggy-backing. Fortunately, the fact that he even told me this happened must have been a good sign, and we did go on seeing each other for a while.
Dating in New York is hard, so bitches back off.
Forgive my rusty writing. Since I am currently not running the dating circuit my stories are pretty scarce, but if you'd like me to continue writing on other mindless topics show me some positive reinforcement so I don't continue to do this and make myself look like an idiot.
BIG COjones
Sunday, February 14, 2016
Thursday, July 23, 2015
Travel Log Part II: You's a Thief
Ok, folks. We are about thirty minutes outside of Picksburg. Go ahead and call whoever is picking you up, and enjoy the rest of your ride and thank you for choosing Megabus.
Groggy, I open my eyes to see exactly where outside of Pittsburgh we are. It is 6:30 in the morning and an unrecognizable strip mall sits to my right, and another unrecognizable string of fast food restaurants on my left. I text my mom then allow my head slowly roll back into it's sleeping position.
"YOU'S A THIEF!" someone shouts, jolting me back out of my already restless slumber. I peek out from under an eyelid to see what the commotion is. "You are a thief!" she yells again at the sleeping woman behind me. Rubbing her eyes, the accused grumbles something, "I don't know what you're talking about, can you maybe tell me instead of yelling?" Rhonda, we will call her, is not happy being awoken to a screaming woman standing over her seat.
"You stole my damn phone charger! Don't try to act all innocent when I know you have it," the troublemaker--we'll call her Angie--shrieks.
Rhonda rolls her eyes, "Lady, you are crazy. I don't have your phone charger. Why would I have your phone charger?"
Angie really wants to start shit before 7am: "I had my charger up there in the seat with my son and when we came back in from the rest stop it was gone. I came back here and I saw that you had it, and I didn't say nothing because I thought you was decent enough to give it back. But now I KNOW you stole it and I am going to call the authorities and have them search your stuff and then we'll see who is crazy!"
Now matching the volume of her opponent, "I ain't never had your phone charger you lying bitch. I borrowed this guy's charger the minute I got on the bus and gave it back to him before I even got off at the rest stop. So I KNOW you ain't talking about me because I didn't have any charger but his this whole ride!"
Sitting there quietly, I exchange glances with the guy across the aisle and watch his eyes widen as he realizes he is being thrown into the squabble. Remembering the events of the overnight journey, I know that Rhonda is telling the truth. I watched her take and return the charger to our neighbor, and I also know she only got up from her seat once. I was sleeping, yes, but Rhonda was no small woman and when she did stand up it required her to grab my seat to pull herself up. A light sleeper, I am certain that only happened once. However, I am not about to toss myself into the middle of their argument voluntarily.
At this point, Rhonda convinces Angie to sit down and hands over her purse to be examined. Upon finding nothing, Angie demands her to stand up so she can check her pockets and the space around her. Despite searching every single piece of luggage and compartment that Rhonda has, Angie is still convinced she has stolen her phone charger and wants to check her purse a second time. While this woman is digging through her belongings, Rhonda makes an exciting recollection: "Wait a minute. You were sitting behind me before the rest stop? You were sitting behind me before the rest stop! When you got on this bus you told your son you didn't have your phone charger! You told him you forgot it at home. YOU PSYCHOTIC BITCH YOU NEVER EVEN HAD A PHONE CHARGER ON THIS BUS! GET THE HELL OUT OF MY SEAT! IF YOU DON'T CALL THE POLICE I WILL. I'M FILING HARASSMENT CHARGES AGAINST YOU! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME. ALL THIS SHIT OVER SOMETHING YOU NEVER EVEN HAD. I WOULD HAVE BOUGHT YOU A PHONE CHARGER. A $4 PHONE CHARGER? I WOULD HAVE FUUUHHHCKING BOUGHT YOU ONE IF I WOULD HAVE KNOWN WHAT KIND OF SHIT YOU WOULD START ON THIS BUS!"
Angie has already made her way back to her seat, and is yelling over the heads of twenty other passengers, struggling to come up with a story to comply with this new evidence. Meanwhile, the bus has been pulled over and the driver has finally come upstairs to see what the commotion is. Angie gets to tell her side of the story first and professes how she politely asked Rhonda if she had her phone charger and only started getting out of hand once she had been threatened. This, of course, infuriates Rhonda who stupidly won't stop yelling her protest. The yelling continues and threats become wilder and the driver decides to call the cops.
Less than thirty minutes away from home and aching from an eight hour bus ride, all the passengers are now awake and disgruntled, stuck in this hell that is the most absurd fight over a nonexistent phone charger that the world has ever seen. When the police arrive, both women (plus Angie's son) are asked to disembark. The only belonging Angie takes off the bus is a half drunk two liter of Mountain Dew.
Stuff like this happens to the rest of you, right?
Groggy, I open my eyes to see exactly where outside of Pittsburgh we are. It is 6:30 in the morning and an unrecognizable strip mall sits to my right, and another unrecognizable string of fast food restaurants on my left. I text my mom then allow my head slowly roll back into it's sleeping position.
"YOU'S A THIEF!" someone shouts, jolting me back out of my already restless slumber. I peek out from under an eyelid to see what the commotion is. "You are a thief!" she yells again at the sleeping woman behind me. Rubbing her eyes, the accused grumbles something, "I don't know what you're talking about, can you maybe tell me instead of yelling?" Rhonda, we will call her, is not happy being awoken to a screaming woman standing over her seat.
"You stole my damn phone charger! Don't try to act all innocent when I know you have it," the troublemaker--we'll call her Angie--shrieks.
Rhonda rolls her eyes, "Lady, you are crazy. I don't have your phone charger. Why would I have your phone charger?"
Angie really wants to start shit before 7am: "I had my charger up there in the seat with my son and when we came back in from the rest stop it was gone. I came back here and I saw that you had it, and I didn't say nothing because I thought you was decent enough to give it back. But now I KNOW you stole it and I am going to call the authorities and have them search your stuff and then we'll see who is crazy!"
Now matching the volume of her opponent, "I ain't never had your phone charger you lying bitch. I borrowed this guy's charger the minute I got on the bus and gave it back to him before I even got off at the rest stop. So I KNOW you ain't talking about me because I didn't have any charger but his this whole ride!"

At this point, Rhonda convinces Angie to sit down and hands over her purse to be examined. Upon finding nothing, Angie demands her to stand up so she can check her pockets and the space around her. Despite searching every single piece of luggage and compartment that Rhonda has, Angie is still convinced she has stolen her phone charger and wants to check her purse a second time. While this woman is digging through her belongings, Rhonda makes an exciting recollection: "Wait a minute. You were sitting behind me before the rest stop? You were sitting behind me before the rest stop! When you got on this bus you told your son you didn't have your phone charger! You told him you forgot it at home. YOU PSYCHOTIC BITCH YOU NEVER EVEN HAD A PHONE CHARGER ON THIS BUS! GET THE HELL OUT OF MY SEAT! IF YOU DON'T CALL THE POLICE I WILL. I'M FILING HARASSMENT CHARGES AGAINST YOU! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME. ALL THIS SHIT OVER SOMETHING YOU NEVER EVEN HAD. I WOULD HAVE BOUGHT YOU A PHONE CHARGER. A $4 PHONE CHARGER? I WOULD HAVE FUUUHHHCKING BOUGHT YOU ONE IF I WOULD HAVE KNOWN WHAT KIND OF SHIT YOU WOULD START ON THIS BUS!"
Angie has already made her way back to her seat, and is yelling over the heads of twenty other passengers, struggling to come up with a story to comply with this new evidence. Meanwhile, the bus has been pulled over and the driver has finally come upstairs to see what the commotion is. Angie gets to tell her side of the story first and professes how she politely asked Rhonda if she had her phone charger and only started getting out of hand once she had been threatened. This, of course, infuriates Rhonda who stupidly won't stop yelling her protest. The yelling continues and threats become wilder and the driver decides to call the cops.
Less than thirty minutes away from home and aching from an eight hour bus ride, all the passengers are now awake and disgruntled, stuck in this hell that is the most absurd fight over a nonexistent phone charger that the world has ever seen. When the police arrive, both women (plus Angie's son) are asked to disembark. The only belonging Angie takes off the bus is a half drunk two liter of Mountain Dew.
Stuff like this happens to the rest of you, right?
Monday, July 6, 2015
Anonymous Emails: A rant.
As some of you may have seen on my facebook, I am trying to find a new home for my sister's dog. Despite my complaints about him, he is an incredibly lovable mutt, and she truthfully does not with to part with him. However, circumstances have arisen that makes another home potentially more desirable. Some day soon my funemployment will (hopefully) come to an end and there will be no one around for most hours of the day once my sister starts her new job. It is unfair to Boone who is still a puppy, and it is in this vein I posted an ad to craigslist, seeking a home with young active owners who can devote to to him the time and attention he deserves.
Since I posted the ad a week ago, we have been vetting potential new owners to ensure that he is going to the right family. Then last night I received this message from "Jack Russell":
Since I posted the ad a week ago, we have been vetting potential new owners to ensure that he is going to the right family. Then last night I received this message from "Jack Russell":
I guess you didn't know ahead of time that graduate school would keep you busy. Hey don't let it bother you that you are shirking your responsibility because its become inconvenient. I hope you can put it out of your mind that the dog may miss you and wait for you to come home every day. Oh except you're not, you're too busy.
Have a great career!
Jack Russel, how dare you for one fucking minute think she is taking this decision lightly. She and her boyfriend have done everything in their power to make the life of this animal as pleasant as possible. Now, do I fully support their decision to get a dog? I didn't. I don't. But they were young and stupid when they adopted him and have taken the best care of him possible within their means. I have a feeling that since you spend your weekends trolling craigslist and sending harassing emails that you, too, have made some shitty decisions in your life.
To be honest, I can't really tell what I am most angry about, but something about receiving this message from an anonymous cuntfuck has sent me on a rampage. I am a person that is quick to judge, but it is a defensive instinct that dissolves quickly and generally I am able to forgive behaviors and circumstances. I know I can say hurtful things--I have done it behind people's backs and to their faces alike--but I also have the capacity to be genuinely sorry and apologize. There is something so aggravating about this person's ability to hide behind his or her digital veil that makes it resonate as such an indecent and counterproductive act. All this person has done has made me second guess the decision to Boone's best interest first. Kindly go fuck yourself, Jack Russel.
However, now that I have written this and reread it, I have cooled down and am beginning to feel sorry for this person who must feel some sort of emptiness to write such a cruel message. If he needed to get that off his chest, then fine. I am doing the exact same thing right here right now. Next time have the courage do to it under your own name. pls & thx.
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
You rock, Doc.
Yesterday I had my bi-annual check up, and although I left with three brand new prescriptions, an eight-page document summarizing my visit, and a puncture wound in my upper arm, it was overall a very pleasant experience. Surprisingly, it always is. I adore my physician and her staff who genuinely care about my health and making my problems manageable. Like everyone, I've seen some of those women have bad days, but those ladies were on point yesterday! Everyone was in great spirits (it also helps that I wasn't in a bitchy mood toward them) and every single interaction I had was as charming as the last.
Receptionist: Good morning. Stephanie?
Me: Yes that's me. How are you today?
R: You know what? I'm great. But you're only the second appointment so this day could totally turn to shit still.
Me: Well you know you do the booking? You could truthfully schedule all the crappy patients on your off day...
R looks horrified for a moment and checks to see if anyone around her is listening.
R: As if I don't do that already.
R hands me paperwork and smiles
My wait is so short I don't even have time grow impatient and pull out my phone.
Nurse: Stephanie?
I follow her back onto the scales exchanging pleasantries. She makes fun of my plain green coffee mug for some reason and leads me into the exam room. The normal sequence of events follows: when was your last visit? which prescriptions need refilled? rolls the temperature-taking doodad across my forehead...then my phone starts vibrating form my jacket pocket
Nurse: Someone seems to be trying to get a hold of you.
Me: Yeah do you mind if I answer? My mom messaged me to see if I arrived on time and I told her I got into a fiery car crash on route 19. She's not too happy so I should respond.
Nurse: Wow. You are a huge jerk.
I laugh and respond to my mother while nurse is taking my blood pressure.
Nurse: 117 over 70.
Me: Is that ok?
Nurse: For someone that's just been in a car crash I'd say it's pretty good. I'm going to give you one of these lovely peach paper robes. It will clash horribly with your hair color so maybe avoid snapchat. The doctor is running a little behind, but should be in shortly.
I sit stunned and impressed as the door closes behind her.
This wait is a little longer, but I can hear Doc in the next room and sit patiently for about ten minutes or so.
Doc: I'm so sorry for the delay. You're in here with all the early know..the um...
Me: Old people?
Doc: I didn't say anything. are you? You're having a quarter-life crisis I see.
she points to my head
Me: It's just this thing I'm doing while I'm unemployed.
Doc: Well if this is it and you haven't gotten any tattoos or started taking heroine or sleeping with a hundred guys I guess I can't really be too upset.
Me: Oh, you wanted to know about all that too?
Doc: If you really want me to check under that robe then keep talking.
Then normal doctor patient chitchat. She has been my physician now for about five or six years and is one of the most awesome people I've met, not only a fantastic doctor, but just an incredibly cool human who one time I asked to get beers. It's not weird! She's only, like, ten years older than me. Ok maybe it's kind of weird? Anyway, she declined by telling me I was one of her favorite patients and if she didn't have a then 5 year old daughter she needed to see on weekends she totally would hang out with me. Thanks for letting me down gently.
So after I talked about my stomach pains and mouth bleeding, that are apparently, yes, still caused by stress, she began telling me about her family vacation to Disney World. She asked me about boys. I asked her if her daughter was still sassing her and told her to watch Will Ferrell's Dissing Your Dog. While she is in the very dangerous position of checking my reflexes, she asks me to please not have children anytime soon.
Doc: So you had a pap smear when you were here last year, so I don't really need to do one for another two years unless you want. I mean, I know you'd love me to just pop up there, but maybe we'll wait?
Me: Well, I was lying about the hundreds of I don't know...I'm thinking about it.
Doc: It's nice that you think you're the first person to make that request.
Me: Eww get the fuck out.
She laughs and shakes her head and now I don't know what to believe.
Doc: Man...sorry that other appt. ran so late. I'm so behind I can't hang out. Normally she spends a whole lot longer shooting the shit with me (I think I really am one of her favorite patients). I have a feeling we're going to have to change some things about your thyroid medication so you should come back in about 3 months though so we can follow up on the bloodwork and ultrasound.
Me: Cool. Thanks, dude. I'll see you then.
She shakes her head at me while she leaves.
She runs out the door yelling apologies to a nurse down the hall and my same nurse saunters back in with my second dose of hep a vaccine.
Nurse: How are you with needles?
Me: I don't invite them to my birthday parties, but we're generally ok.
She isn't amused this time.
Me: No seriously I'll be fine.
She seems uncertain and grabs me strongly by the arm. This is a new technique. She shoots me and fiddles with it, apparently going a little too deep she draws it back out some. It hurts, but I sit still because I'm a grown ass woman.
Me: Can I ask why you're holding my arm like that? Do you do that in case people jerk around?
Nurse: No. It's so if you pass out I can grab you before you fall. I don't do it for heavier people; I'm not trying to hurt myself. But you're little so I figured I could hold you up.
Me: I see.
Nurse: You can keep the robe if you like it.
Liking the people who take care of you whom you are comfortable around can make a world of difference when it comes to healthcare. I had many doctors for many years who I did not trust. Not that I was such a sickly child that it mattered, but in my adult life there is a noticeable difference between the way I communicate with doctors and nurses now as opposed to then. You may think it is just because I am "more mature", but I can say there is a large difference between maturity and trust.
I'll wrap this up by telling you about my last visit to the gynecologist. Now, normally, my physician does a lot of the dirty work, but every once in a while it's still good to see a lady doctor specialist. My mom, having worked as a medical professionals her entire life, knows about a million doctors in southwestern PA. Only once or twice in my life have I been to a doctor that she doesn't know or wasn't referred to by a friend. So, of course, I let her book me an appointment with a long-time obgyn friend of hers. She schedules a slot for my sister and I and the three of us head out early one January morning. Not until we are about ten minutes away does she tell us that we actually should remember this particular doctor because we lived in the same neighborhood as him growing up. This, for some reason, makes me very uncomfortable, but I decide to suck it up and roll with the weirdness. We arrive and my sister is called first. She disappears before my mom can ask if she should go with her...because mothers. I then hold my cell phone to her head and tells her if she tries to come with me I'll slip her phone under her pillow while she's sleeping...because cell phones cause brain cancer...because mothers. A few minutes later when I am called to go back, I become a little more relieved by the efficiency of the office. Naturally, I feel like a jerk being called before all the pregnant women in the room, but they have appointments right?
When I get into the exam room the nurse hands me my robes and departs. It's freezing in this room because it's an old building next to the river at 8am in January in the hills of Pennsylvania. Now, I don't think I was moving particularly slowly considering the conditions, but as I am standing there, completely naked except for my socks, there is a knock on the door and in walks my doctor.
Me: Umm...Hey.
Doc: Oh gosh sorry!
and slams the door behind him. While this was a strange start, he was honestly going to see those things anyway so I wasn't nearly as mortified as I could or should have been. I quickly slip on my robe and call out to him that I'm dressed. When he doesn't answer I open the door to see if anyone is in the hall and I realize I am now completely alone. Freezing, I climb up on the exam table and wait. And wait. And wait some more. I am so cold and my coat is just a few feet away, but stubbornly trying to prove my maturity I won't grab the coat which would make me look like a prude little sissy bitch in front of my mom's friend.
When he finally returns he apologized for walking in on me, but that it gave him the opportunity to go catch up with my mom. So...when he accidentally saw me in the nude his first instinct was to go talk to my mom--that's cool. The exam begins and he starts making awkward chitchat with me
Doc: So your mom tells me you're finishing up grad school at Columbia? In New York? For architecture? That's great.
Me: Yeah, I mean I enjoy it I...
Doc: What kind of architecture do you want to do?
He's giving me a breast exam.
Me: Uhh..well there aren't exactly specializations, but I'm definitely interested in mid to large scale institutional projec...
Doc: Uh oh.
Me: ...
Doc: Oh ok nevermind. Just a calcium deposit. Nothing to worry about.
Me: You're sure?!
Doc: Yup. What were you saying?
Me: Umm...institutional projects. I guess it will depend on where I start working after school.
He is directing me into the stirrups.
Doc: So you're going to stay in New York then?
Me: Yeah I...
He is now up in my vagina business with fingers, or tools, or who the hell knows.
Nurse (who until now has been completely silent): Oh, Doctor, I think those are really cold!
Me: It's fine. Just a little warning next time?
Doc: My son is an industrial engineer in Long Island. Do you remember him?
His head has now disappeared somewhere beneath my line of sight.
Doc: I think you only met him a time or two, but you two should get together. I'll see if I can find his business card. Are you close to Long Island?
He resurfaces.
Me: No not really, but if he travels into the city a lot we could meet up.
Doc: Oh I don't think he does that really...
Dives back under
Me: How are things looking your direction? Everything...healthy? Normal?
Doc: Looks great! Really nice!
Really nice?!
Doc: Nice and healthy. Any questions or concerns?
Me: Nope.
If I came in there with questions I had for sure forgotten them while he was trying to fix me up with his son while his hands were up my hoo-hah.
It was a very short visit and as soon as I was dressed he ended up meeting us all in the waiting room before we could leave to tell our mom what lovely girls she has and to gossip a little about the old neighborhood. I am eyeballing my sister, desperately trying to find any indication that she, too, had a strange experience. Eventually we say our thank-yous and goodbyes. As soon as the door closes behind me I jump on my sister.
Me: Tell me something stupid or weird happened to you.
Mom: What do you mean?!
Rachel: No...?
Me: Like...nothing embarrassed you? No one walked in on you while you were naked?
Mom: What the hell are you talking about?!
Me: Umm...
Mom: Oh jeez what did you do? Why did he come out and talk to me between your exams? Stephanie, what did you do?!
I relay everything to her. Rachel, having had a completely normal exam, is laughing at me.
Mom: Please don't write about this on your blog.
As I said, there is a striking difference in relationships with doctors you trust and with doctors you only respect. I am so grateful to have found a doctor with whom I don't feel strange or distant. Is she the most incredible physician on earth? I can't imagine she is, but a good fit is a good fit.
Receptionist: Good morning. Stephanie?
Me: Yes that's me. How are you today?
R: You know what? I'm great. But you're only the second appointment so this day could totally turn to shit still.
Me: Well you know you do the booking? You could truthfully schedule all the crappy patients on your off day...
R looks horrified for a moment and checks to see if anyone around her is listening.
R: As if I don't do that already.
R hands me paperwork and smiles
My wait is so short I don't even have time grow impatient and pull out my phone.
Nurse: Stephanie?
I follow her back onto the scales exchanging pleasantries. She makes fun of my plain green coffee mug for some reason and leads me into the exam room. The normal sequence of events follows: when was your last visit? which prescriptions need refilled? rolls the temperature-taking doodad across my forehead...then my phone starts vibrating form my jacket pocket
Nurse: Someone seems to be trying to get a hold of you.
Me: Yeah do you mind if I answer? My mom messaged me to see if I arrived on time and I told her I got into a fiery car crash on route 19. She's not too happy so I should respond.
Nurse: Wow. You are a huge jerk.
I laugh and respond to my mother while nurse is taking my blood pressure.
Nurse: 117 over 70.
Me: Is that ok?
Nurse: For someone that's just been in a car crash I'd say it's pretty good. I'm going to give you one of these lovely peach paper robes. It will clash horribly with your hair color so maybe avoid snapchat. The doctor is running a little behind, but should be in shortly.
I sit stunned and impressed as the door closes behind her.
This wait is a little longer, but I can hear Doc in the next room and sit patiently for about ten minutes or so.
Doc: I'm so sorry for the delay. You're in here with all the early know..the um...
Me: Old people?
Doc: I didn't say anything. are you? You're having a quarter-life crisis I see.
she points to my head
Me: It's just this thing I'm doing while I'm unemployed.
Doc: Well if this is it and you haven't gotten any tattoos or started taking heroine or sleeping with a hundred guys I guess I can't really be too upset.
Me: Oh, you wanted to know about all that too?
Doc: If you really want me to check under that robe then keep talking.

So after I talked about my stomach pains and mouth bleeding, that are apparently, yes, still caused by stress, she began telling me about her family vacation to Disney World. She asked me about boys. I asked her if her daughter was still sassing her and told her to watch Will Ferrell's Dissing Your Dog. While she is in the very dangerous position of checking my reflexes, she asks me to please not have children anytime soon.
Doc: So you had a pap smear when you were here last year, so I don't really need to do one for another two years unless you want. I mean, I know you'd love me to just pop up there, but maybe we'll wait?
Me: Well, I was lying about the hundreds of I don't know...I'm thinking about it.
Doc: It's nice that you think you're the first person to make that request.
Me: Eww get the fuck out.
She laughs and shakes her head and now I don't know what to believe.
Doc: Man...sorry that other appt. ran so late. I'm so behind I can't hang out. Normally she spends a whole lot longer shooting the shit with me (I think I really am one of her favorite patients). I have a feeling we're going to have to change some things about your thyroid medication so you should come back in about 3 months though so we can follow up on the bloodwork and ultrasound.
Me: Cool. Thanks, dude. I'll see you then.
She shakes her head at me while she leaves.
She runs out the door yelling apologies to a nurse down the hall and my same nurse saunters back in with my second dose of hep a vaccine.
Nurse: How are you with needles?
Me: I don't invite them to my birthday parties, but we're generally ok.
She isn't amused this time.
Me: No seriously I'll be fine.
She seems uncertain and grabs me strongly by the arm. This is a new technique. She shoots me and fiddles with it, apparently going a little too deep she draws it back out some. It hurts, but I sit still because I'm a grown ass woman.
Me: Can I ask why you're holding my arm like that? Do you do that in case people jerk around?
Nurse: No. It's so if you pass out I can grab you before you fall. I don't do it for heavier people; I'm not trying to hurt myself. But you're little so I figured I could hold you up.
Me: I see.
Nurse: You can keep the robe if you like it.
Liking the people who take care of you whom you are comfortable around can make a world of difference when it comes to healthcare. I had many doctors for many years who I did not trust. Not that I was such a sickly child that it mattered, but in my adult life there is a noticeable difference between the way I communicate with doctors and nurses now as opposed to then. You may think it is just because I am "more mature", but I can say there is a large difference between maturity and trust.
I'll wrap this up by telling you about my last visit to the gynecologist. Now, normally, my physician does a lot of the dirty work, but every once in a while it's still good to see a lady doctor specialist. My mom, having worked as a medical professionals her entire life, knows about a million doctors in southwestern PA. Only once or twice in my life have I been to a doctor that she doesn't know or wasn't referred to by a friend. So, of course, I let her book me an appointment with a long-time obgyn friend of hers. She schedules a slot for my sister and I and the three of us head out early one January morning. Not until we are about ten minutes away does she tell us that we actually should remember this particular doctor because we lived in the same neighborhood as him growing up. This, for some reason, makes me very uncomfortable, but I decide to suck it up and roll with the weirdness. We arrive and my sister is called first. She disappears before my mom can ask if she should go with her...because mothers. I then hold my cell phone to her head and tells her if she tries to come with me I'll slip her phone under her pillow while she's sleeping...because cell phones cause brain cancer...because mothers. A few minutes later when I am called to go back, I become a little more relieved by the efficiency of the office. Naturally, I feel like a jerk being called before all the pregnant women in the room, but they have appointments right?
When I get into the exam room the nurse hands me my robes and departs. It's freezing in this room because it's an old building next to the river at 8am in January in the hills of Pennsylvania. Now, I don't think I was moving particularly slowly considering the conditions, but as I am standing there, completely naked except for my socks, there is a knock on the door and in walks my doctor.
Me: Umm...Hey.
Doc: Oh gosh sorry!
and slams the door behind him. While this was a strange start, he was honestly going to see those things anyway so I wasn't nearly as mortified as I could or should have been. I quickly slip on my robe and call out to him that I'm dressed. When he doesn't answer I open the door to see if anyone is in the hall and I realize I am now completely alone. Freezing, I climb up on the exam table and wait. And wait. And wait some more. I am so cold and my coat is just a few feet away, but stubbornly trying to prove my maturity I won't grab the coat which would make me look like a prude little sissy bitch in front of my mom's friend.
When he finally returns he apologized for walking in on me, but that it gave him the opportunity to go catch up with my mom. So...when he accidentally saw me in the nude his first instinct was to go talk to my mom--that's cool. The exam begins and he starts making awkward chitchat with me
Doc: So your mom tells me you're finishing up grad school at Columbia? In New York? For architecture? That's great.
Me: Yeah, I mean I enjoy it I...
Doc: What kind of architecture do you want to do?
He's giving me a breast exam.
Me: Uhh..well there aren't exactly specializations, but I'm definitely interested in mid to large scale institutional projec...
Doc: Uh oh.
Me: ...
Doc: Oh ok nevermind. Just a calcium deposit. Nothing to worry about.
Me: You're sure?!
Doc: Yup. What were you saying?
Me: Umm...institutional projects. I guess it will depend on where I start working after school.
He is directing me into the stirrups.
Doc: So you're going to stay in New York then?
Me: Yeah I...
He is now up in my vagina business with fingers, or tools, or who the hell knows.
Nurse (who until now has been completely silent): Oh, Doctor, I think those are really cold!
Me: It's fine. Just a little warning next time?
Doc: My son is an industrial engineer in Long Island. Do you remember him?
His head has now disappeared somewhere beneath my line of sight.
Doc: I think you only met him a time or two, but you two should get together. I'll see if I can find his business card. Are you close to Long Island?
He resurfaces.
Me: No not really, but if he travels into the city a lot we could meet up.
Doc: Oh I don't think he does that really...
Dives back under
Me: How are things looking your direction? Everything...healthy? Normal?
Doc: Looks great! Really nice!
Really nice?!
Doc: Nice and healthy. Any questions or concerns?
Me: Nope.
If I came in there with questions I had for sure forgotten them while he was trying to fix me up with his son while his hands were up my hoo-hah.
It was a very short visit and as soon as I was dressed he ended up meeting us all in the waiting room before we could leave to tell our mom what lovely girls she has and to gossip a little about the old neighborhood. I am eyeballing my sister, desperately trying to find any indication that she, too, had a strange experience. Eventually we say our thank-yous and goodbyes. As soon as the door closes behind me I jump on my sister.
Me: Tell me something stupid or weird happened to you.
Mom: What do you mean?!
Rachel: No...?
Me: Like...nothing embarrassed you? No one walked in on you while you were naked?
Mom: What the hell are you talking about?!
Me: Umm...
Mom: Oh jeez what did you do? Why did he come out and talk to me between your exams? Stephanie, what did you do?!
I relay everything to her. Rachel, having had a completely normal exam, is laughing at me.
Mom: Please don't write about this on your blog.
As I said, there is a striking difference in relationships with doctors you trust and with doctors you only respect. I am so grateful to have found a doctor with whom I don't feel strange or distant. Is she the most incredible physician on earth? I can't imagine she is, but a good fit is a good fit.
Friday, June 12, 2015
Travel Log Part 1: MegaBUSted
Thank you Matt for the title. I know if I don't acknowledge you you'll be a whiny little shit about it. So that's done.
If you know me then you know that I spend a lot of time traveling. I have been extremely fortunate to have been sent all over the world, enabled by my schools and my parents, and have loved every moment of it. Even the misfortunes have their place in shaping my experiences, but of the many countries and hundreds of cities I've been to, no horror on this planet can quite compare to traveling within these United States. Aside from being the whitest white girl in America who has been "randomly screened" during every domestic flight in the last seven years (I get it, you're not racist), I can't remember the last time I took a train, bus, or any form of public transportation that wasn't unpleasant. America, I love you, but your crumbling infrastructure can really use some TLC.
I realize these are two different complaints and this blog is not and will probably never be a platform for some of the larger concerns. So instead, I have decided to make an extended travel log to document some of the wild and ridiculous things that have happened to me over the years. Today's installment is not a story, it is actually my "live tweets" of my most recent travel experience. However, since this trip took place somewhere in the Appalachian Mountain chain I could not actually live tweet it since 3G has yet to be discovered in this region of the country. As you can guess, this tech genius right here wrote out all her notes on her memo app and will now share them with you for your reading leisure.
My experience is everyone's experience.
6:30 a.m. - Megabus departure from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
1:00 p.m - arrival in Washington D.C. Union Station
2:30 p.m. - Amtrak departure from Washington D.C. Union Station
6:53 p.m. - arrival in Newport News, Virginia
And so it begins...
6:27 a.m.
Mom waited in line with me because I'm still a teenager apparently and the bus driver did a triple take at my hair before he loaded my luggage. The good news is that if I go missing from the rest stop he'll know who I am.
6:32 a.m.
Oh good. Already two minutes behind schedule.
6:35 a.m
First bathroom visit of the morning. Really? We are not even three minutes in you couldn't have gone before getting on the bus?
6:45 a.m.
There is magically no one in the seat next to me so I am putting my feet up and enjoying my space before the next pickup site.
6:52 a.m.
Same woman is using the bathroom again. Do we think IBS or UTI?
7:15 a.m
Our first phone call! The woman sounds like Juno from Beetlejuice. Remember? The woman that smokes a cigarette out of her neck?... Oh good! She can't hear him so now she is going to speak louder!
7:20 a.m
Oh she is going to the bathroom again. Poor thing. I'm sorry I made fun of you.
7:32 a.m.
Man somewhere behind me hocks a loogie and I think I'm going to vomit.
We are stopped in Morgantown, W.V. to pick up more passengers. Loud Talker "didn't know" she was sitting in a reserved seat and is now furious that she has to move. She is trying to argue her way into staying and the family who bought the seats is having none of her shit.
"Where the hell am I supposed to go?" she shouts, apparently hoping someone will back up her claim. Lucky me, the young girl taking her seat is pointing at my open seat while I pretend not to know any of this is going on.
Loud Talker is standing in the aisle trying to decide if she can con her way into a better seat than the two available (one next to me and the other directly across the aisle). OH MY GOD SHE JUST GRIMACED AT ME AND TOOK THE OTHER SEAT! Can it be?! Did she take the other seat because of her disgust for my hair color?! Please say that's the reason!
8:06 a.m
Since no one was sitting there I put my bag on the seat next to me and Loud Talker has now asked if she, too, can put her purse there. She is no small woman, so sympathetic to the poor girl in the seat next to her I permit it.
8:07 a.m.
Loud Talker has taken my inch and is now piling on top of her purse a neck pillow, a paperback novel, a sudoku book, a wad of trash, and a moist water bottle. Can't wait until she leaves her trash and bottles all over the seat for me to clean up.
9:30 a.m.
We are at a rest stop somewhere in rural West Virginia or Maryland and there is literally no cell phone reception. Who knew that in 2015 that was even possible? I don't care I'm blogging into my memo app and my mother is losing her shit back in PA since she can't get a hold of me. Seems like a victory...
9:44 a.m.
I wait too long to use the rest stop bathroom and now I have to wait for all the shit stragglers to finish their morning dumps. Yes, dear readers, I am writing to you from the ladies room of Pilot gas station. For the record, Pilot stations always have dispensable toilet seat covers which I very much appreciate.
9:52 a.m.
I realized a woman sitting not far from me is about my size and she has an empty seat next to her as well. The woman across from her ate two foot-long hot dogs in the time we've been here. Reminder: it is not yet 10am.
Some passenger is arguing with the bus driver to get into the undercarriage for his luggage. Can we please ignore this buffoon and get on the road?
10:01 a.m.
A minute late to leave. Thanks, buffoon.
10:03 a.m.
Loud Talker had thirty minutes to make a phone call, but has waited until now. She can't hear this person either so again her solution is to talk louder. Also she bought a second water bottle at the rest stop and now that is on my empty seat as well.
10:19 a.m.
Our oversized load must pass through a weigh station and someone from the upper deck of the bus doesn't understand this and is demanding answers for this new delay. I can't be certain, but it sounds like Buffoon.
10:22 a.m.
We pass the Ark of Safety Church advertisement outside Frostburg, MD which has a giant built frame of an ark and a man across the aisle makes the sign of the cross. You mean to tell me you got on a megabus four hours ago and this is the first time you're saying a prayer?
10:34 a.m.
Our bus driver keeps leaving his turn signal on. Gosh, Dad!
10:40 a.m.
I'm super carsick from typing on my phone so I am going to sleep.
12:06 p.m.
I just woke up and we are stopped in traffic outside of D.C. The bus is now alive with speculative chatter and phone calls to loved ones. I would text my mom, but I just used that thirty second window before I get nauseous again to type out this post.
Loud Talker makes yet another phone call. Surprise! She can't hear whoever she's talking to so up goes the volume.
Some woman from the upper deck has come down and is asking every young person to help her access the bus's wifi so I am going to pretend to be asleep.
I actually fell asleep and now we're late for our arrival and both my parents are calling me. You love me too much, you smothering shits.
We have made it to D.C. now everybody get out of my way so my luggage doesn't become stolen property.
Aside from the disgusted glares of everyone over the age of sixty, I had a peaceful lunch at the train station and am waiting to get onto my platform and the woman in front of me tried to sneak past the ticket-taker and is really confused why her ticket is from three days ago and from a different train stop. I ask the ticket-taker some dumb question because human interaction and he winks at me. Joy.
One thing Amtrak does right is leave on time.
Conductor announces that because of the heat we have to reduce speeds that will put us 40 minutes behind schedule. Twelve hours of travel wasn't enough! Give me more!
Dear lord someone in this train car just hocked a loogie. Kill me.
Every single time I have looked up from my book in the past thirty minutes the bathroom has been full. Good thing I can reverse camel this shit and hold my pee for nearly fifteen hours...I've done it, don't ask.
We have been moving less than 10mph for the past thirty minutes and now the conductor is telling us that we have to navigate through a traincar graveyard to get to the right track because apparently nobody knew we were coming beforehand?
Made it through. Now get me out of this backwoods bullshit.
6:43 p.m.
For fifteen minutes now we have been at a literal stop in the middle of the woods with no explanation.
6:45 p.m.
Conductor has just announced that we are stopped to let another train pass through the corridor...because again, no one knew we were coming? Sorry to my very hungry brother waiting to pick me up!
The conductor delivers the same propaganda after every announcement thanking us for our patience, apologizing for the inconvenience, and asking us to enjoy the free wifi and water fountains. He LOVES to talk about the water fountains.
6:47 p.m
Despite previous projections, we are now going to be over an hour late. This would never fly in Japan. At least we have the water fountains.
Hey look! A dead horse!
7:34 p.m.
At this point we are now forty-five minutes late to our destination and I have been traveling for thirteen hours. I have decided to break the rules of the Quiet Car and call my mom. After having seen no children the entire day, I drop three consecutive curse words while a mother and her two children come bopping past my seat. Jeff Stones, ladies and gentlemen.
One of the Amtrak attendants comes by and asks if he can lower my bags from the overhead rack. Sure buddy, be my guest. I warn him that my laptop bag is rather heavy and he, of course, makes some joke about it being full of bricks then winks at me. Are Amtrak employees trained to wink?
Well over an hour late we finally arrive and NOBODY WILL GET THEIR GD ASSES OFF THIS TRAIN. MOVE! MOVE! My brother thinks there should be a rule that dictates young people exit the craft first and I would agree with that if the late 20-something girl ahead of me could wheel her bag down the aisle without catching it at EVERY SINGLE SEAT.
8:12 p.m
My brother is so pissed at the train and all the idiots circling the parking lot that he drives about 50 yards in reverse to get us away from the taxi cue. Several horns and middle fingers later we are out of there.
There are tons of lists out there that depict the Ten Types of People You Encounter While Traveling and it is remarkable how often you see these impossibly unbearable behaviors. I don't know what my annoying travel habits are; I definitely try to be a courteous as possible. Unfortunately, I have the made-up disease known as restless-foot syndrome so my feet are constantly bouncing or shaking, but aside from that I'm hoping there are no other obnoxious things I do while I travel.
Generally my experiences on both Megabus and Amtrak have been bad but manageable. Sadly, as a poor person there aren't many other options for travel. So until I find myself a sugardaddy I will be collecting these charming experiences.

I realize these are two different complaints and this blog is not and will probably never be a platform for some of the larger concerns. So instead, I have decided to make an extended travel log to document some of the wild and ridiculous things that have happened to me over the years. Today's installment is not a story, it is actually my "live tweets" of my most recent travel experience. However, since this trip took place somewhere in the Appalachian Mountain chain I could not actually live tweet it since 3G has yet to be discovered in this region of the country. As you can guess, this tech genius right here wrote out all her notes on her memo app and will now share them with you for your reading leisure.
My experience is everyone's experience.
6:30 a.m. - Megabus departure from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
1:00 p.m - arrival in Washington D.C. Union Station
2:30 p.m. - Amtrak departure from Washington D.C. Union Station
6:53 p.m. - arrival in Newport News, Virginia
And so it begins...
6:27 a.m.
Mom waited in line with me because I'm still a teenager apparently and the bus driver did a triple take at my hair before he loaded my luggage. The good news is that if I go missing from the rest stop he'll know who I am.
6:32 a.m.
Oh good. Already two minutes behind schedule.
6:35 a.m
First bathroom visit of the morning. Really? We are not even three minutes in you couldn't have gone before getting on the bus?
6:45 a.m.
There is magically no one in the seat next to me so I am putting my feet up and enjoying my space before the next pickup site.
6:52 a.m.
Same woman is using the bathroom again. Do we think IBS or UTI?
7:15 a.m
Our first phone call! The woman sounds like Juno from Beetlejuice. Remember? The woman that smokes a cigarette out of her neck?... Oh good! She can't hear him so now she is going to speak louder!
7:20 a.m
Oh she is going to the bathroom again. Poor thing. I'm sorry I made fun of you.
7:32 a.m.
Man somewhere behind me hocks a loogie and I think I'm going to vomit.
We are stopped in Morgantown, W.V. to pick up more passengers. Loud Talker "didn't know" she was sitting in a reserved seat and is now furious that she has to move. She is trying to argue her way into staying and the family who bought the seats is having none of her shit.
"Where the hell am I supposed to go?" she shouts, apparently hoping someone will back up her claim. Lucky me, the young girl taking her seat is pointing at my open seat while I pretend not to know any of this is going on.
Loud Talker is standing in the aisle trying to decide if she can con her way into a better seat than the two available (one next to me and the other directly across the aisle). OH MY GOD SHE JUST GRIMACED AT ME AND TOOK THE OTHER SEAT! Can it be?! Did she take the other seat because of her disgust for my hair color?! Please say that's the reason!
8:06 a.m
Since no one was sitting there I put my bag on the seat next to me and Loud Talker has now asked if she, too, can put her purse there. She is no small woman, so sympathetic to the poor girl in the seat next to her I permit it.
8:07 a.m.
Loud Talker has taken my inch and is now piling on top of her purse a neck pillow, a paperback novel, a sudoku book, a wad of trash, and a moist water bottle. Can't wait until she leaves her trash and bottles all over the seat for me to clean up.
9:30 a.m.
We are at a rest stop somewhere in rural West Virginia or Maryland and there is literally no cell phone reception. Who knew that in 2015 that was even possible? I don't care I'm blogging into my memo app and my mother is losing her shit back in PA since she can't get a hold of me. Seems like a victory...
9:44 a.m.
I wait too long to use the rest stop bathroom and now I have to wait for all the shit stragglers to finish their morning dumps. Yes, dear readers, I am writing to you from the ladies room of Pilot gas station. For the record, Pilot stations always have dispensable toilet seat covers which I very much appreciate.
9:52 a.m.
I realized a woman sitting not far from me is about my size and she has an empty seat next to her as well. The woman across from her ate two foot-long hot dogs in the time we've been here. Reminder: it is not yet 10am.
Some passenger is arguing with the bus driver to get into the undercarriage for his luggage. Can we please ignore this buffoon and get on the road?
10:01 a.m.
A minute late to leave. Thanks, buffoon.
10:03 a.m.
Loud Talker had thirty minutes to make a phone call, but has waited until now. She can't hear this person either so again her solution is to talk louder. Also she bought a second water bottle at the rest stop and now that is on my empty seat as well.
10:19 a.m.
Our oversized load must pass through a weigh station and someone from the upper deck of the bus doesn't understand this and is demanding answers for this new delay. I can't be certain, but it sounds like Buffoon.
10:22 a.m.
We pass the Ark of Safety Church advertisement outside Frostburg, MD which has a giant built frame of an ark and a man across the aisle makes the sign of the cross. You mean to tell me you got on a megabus four hours ago and this is the first time you're saying a prayer?
10:34 a.m.
Our bus driver keeps leaving his turn signal on. Gosh, Dad!
10:40 a.m.
I'm super carsick from typing on my phone so I am going to sleep.
12:06 p.m.
I just woke up and we are stopped in traffic outside of D.C. The bus is now alive with speculative chatter and phone calls to loved ones. I would text my mom, but I just used that thirty second window before I get nauseous again to type out this post.
Loud Talker makes yet another phone call. Surprise! She can't hear whoever she's talking to so up goes the volume.
Some woman from the upper deck has come down and is asking every young person to help her access the bus's wifi so I am going to pretend to be asleep.
I actually fell asleep and now we're late for our arrival and both my parents are calling me. You love me too much, you smothering shits.
We have made it to D.C. now everybody get out of my way so my luggage doesn't become stolen property.
Aside from the disgusted glares of everyone over the age of sixty, I had a peaceful lunch at the train station and am waiting to get onto my platform and the woman in front of me tried to sneak past the ticket-taker and is really confused why her ticket is from three days ago and from a different train stop. I ask the ticket-taker some dumb question because human interaction and he winks at me. Joy.
One thing Amtrak does right is leave on time.
Conductor announces that because of the heat we have to reduce speeds that will put us 40 minutes behind schedule. Twelve hours of travel wasn't enough! Give me more!
Dear lord someone in this train car just hocked a loogie. Kill me.
Every single time I have looked up from my book in the past thirty minutes the bathroom has been full. Good thing I can reverse camel this shit and hold my pee for nearly fifteen hours...I've done it, don't ask.
We have been moving less than 10mph for the past thirty minutes and now the conductor is telling us that we have to navigate through a traincar graveyard to get to the right track because apparently nobody knew we were coming beforehand?
Made it through. Now get me out of this backwoods bullshit.
6:43 p.m.
For fifteen minutes now we have been at a literal stop in the middle of the woods with no explanation.
6:45 p.m.
Conductor has just announced that we are stopped to let another train pass through the corridor...because again, no one knew we were coming? Sorry to my very hungry brother waiting to pick me up!
The conductor delivers the same propaganda after every announcement thanking us for our patience, apologizing for the inconvenience, and asking us to enjoy the free wifi and water fountains. He LOVES to talk about the water fountains.
6:47 p.m
Despite previous projections, we are now going to be over an hour late. This would never fly in Japan. At least we have the water fountains.
Hey look! A dead horse!
7:34 p.m.
At this point we are now forty-five minutes late to our destination and I have been traveling for thirteen hours. I have decided to break the rules of the Quiet Car and call my mom. After having seen no children the entire day, I drop three consecutive curse words while a mother and her two children come bopping past my seat. Jeff Stones, ladies and gentlemen.
One of the Amtrak attendants comes by and asks if he can lower my bags from the overhead rack. Sure buddy, be my guest. I warn him that my laptop bag is rather heavy and he, of course, makes some joke about it being full of bricks then winks at me. Are Amtrak employees trained to wink?
Well over an hour late we finally arrive and NOBODY WILL GET THEIR GD ASSES OFF THIS TRAIN. MOVE! MOVE! My brother thinks there should be a rule that dictates young people exit the craft first and I would agree with that if the late 20-something girl ahead of me could wheel her bag down the aisle without catching it at EVERY SINGLE SEAT.
8:12 p.m
My brother is so pissed at the train and all the idiots circling the parking lot that he drives about 50 yards in reverse to get us away from the taxi cue. Several horns and middle fingers later we are out of there.
There are tons of lists out there that depict the Ten Types of People You Encounter While Traveling and it is remarkable how often you see these impossibly unbearable behaviors. I don't know what my annoying travel habits are; I definitely try to be a courteous as possible. Unfortunately, I have the made-up disease known as restless-foot syndrome so my feet are constantly bouncing or shaking, but aside from that I'm hoping there are no other obnoxious things I do while I travel.
Generally my experiences on both Megabus and Amtrak have been bad but manageable. Sadly, as a poor person there aren't many other options for travel. So until I find myself a sugardaddy I will be collecting these charming experiences.
Thursday, June 4, 2015
Boone the Dog and his Desperate Human
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Keep all arms and legs inside the couch at all times. |
Dear dog,
I will not address you by your name because by now, a mere week and a half after meeting you, I have learned that any human sound that resembles your name arouses you from your nap and causes the gates of hell to spill open. Aside from my sandals, three socks, my godson's toy, 3 plastic bags, 40 used tissues, 1 unused tampon, 2 pairs of underwear, and my hairbrush, this week you have also devoured any desire I once had to adopt a dog. I used to be able to watch Wheel of Fortune without disruption, but now I have to not only fight for my own couch, but suffer through thirty minutes of licking and biting. I've now had to resort to partial blindness because every time I wear my glasses, for some reason, you can not resist licking the lenses. I get it. You'd like me to never sit again; it's cool.
Forget about me though. I'm worried most about my 13-year old lab who is going to have a heart attack if you keep pouncing on her in her sleep. Petting her is out of the question now, since she is covered from head to paw in your slobber, not to mention any other fluids you may be getting on her when I'm not looking. So not only are you ruining my relationship with Pat Sajak, you are also putting a wedge between Misty and I. Misty, if you're reading this, don't worry I'm going to let him loose in bear country as to not get blood on my own hands. At this time, I should also thank you for not barking more than four times in the last ten years, because your step brother has a howl that makes me want to drive a fork into my temple.
Dog, you have been alive for two years and haven't figured out the difference between daytime and nighttime. I truly thought domesticated animals were more evolved than this. Strangers in the dark: yes--bark. Strangers in the day: calm the fuck down! Trust me, I too am annoyed by all the wealthy neighbors having their lawns manicured and flowers planted, since my punishment for being the homeless, unemployed adult child is to prune and water the flowers every day. This, however, does not mean I spend my day sitting perched on the back of the couch barking at strangers in nearby yards. Don't you know where our yard is? Haven't you pissed on the entire perimeter by now? I guess you left too much of it in the couch cushions to make it the whole way around.
Which leads me to my last question. HOW CAN YOU SHIT SO MANY TIMES A DAY? I know how much you're fed! I feed you! On the doctor's orders you get two cups of food a day. Now, I'm no scientist or mathematician, but I am pretty sure two cups of food and a peanut treat does not equal SIX GIANT SHITS. Word problem: If a dog goes on three walks a day and shits six times in six different yards, should Stephanie take him to the glue factory when his owner isn't home?
Cut a poor human a break.
Please keep all arms and legs inside the sofa at all times
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Roommate Debate
This evening while I was sitting around recovering from a cold and shooting the shit with my roommate, I reflected upon how lovely life can be when you get along with the people you live with. This is probably true for many people, but for me, living the architecture student lifestyle, my roommates have always been an incredible outlet for me, often becoming my closest and dearest friends over time. On the other hand, the stress of school and work, when combined with a bad roommate(s) can be toxic. The messy, the passive aggressive, even the smelly--all forms of miserable house mates that make your life a living hell. Fortunately for me I have never had a truly horrible roommate, but I have had a number of odd individuals along the way. I have surely done some strange shit myself so I am not exempt, but, in no particular order, are the oddest habits I've encountered over the past seven years.
What happens behind closed doors is not my business. If roommate #2 wanted to shovel bacon in her gullet, that's her right! However, when roommates leave their doors open their actions become public. Those behaviors become a part of the collective living experience, so when another roommate that would invite over her boyfriend, leave her door open, then sit on the floor and make animal noises at him, it took everything I had not to record that shit and put it on youtube. Barking, oinking, meowing, and mooing that possibly started as a cute game eventually turned into some strange sort of foreplay for them, and just the sounds of a typical Wednesday for the rest of us.
Then, of course, there was the roommate that actually had an animal. This particular craigslist find was a self-employed, pot-smoking, ferret owner. Since I kept my bedroom and bathroom doors closed, having her little friend roaming around the house rarely bothered me. That is until the night she was leaving for Bonarroo. I was on a conference call, sitting in an arm chair next to the wifi router, piled below my laptop, my tablet, and a stack of sketches going over some designs with my professor when the roommate started carrying baskets down the stairs.
"I'm going to leave the door open!" she yelled, ignoring the fact that I was on the phone.
Out of the corner of my eye I could see her transporting things out of the house, a bushel of produce, a trunk of oversized costume props, a duffelbag of drug paraphernalia, etc. On her third or fourth trip down she stopped in the doorway: "Can you watch him for a minute?" she commanded while tossing her animal's leash over the back of my computer. Before I could even react she was out the door and I was on babysitting duty. Understandably, in her mind I was just sitting there, so I put the leash around my wrist and carried on with my meeting. For a few minutes everything was fine, then without warning the struggling at the other end of the leash stopped. Realizing instantly that the ferret had escaped his harness I leapt toward the open front door, dropping my computer, phone, and papers in the process.
"He's loose! Blank, he's off his leash!" I shrieked as I watched his little tail fade into the darkness outside. Immediately, my roommate and a half dozen friends from the minivan were running down the street after a ferret. I watched helplessly from the door for a moment, then assuming they had things under control I scrambled to pick up all my belongings and return to my meeting. When my roommate came back in a few minutes later with her pet, I put my call on silent to apologize and explain that he had escaped.
"You know, Stephanie, it's fine" she snorted with the utmost disgust. "I'm just not going to let you watch Rudolpho ever again."
I think that was totally fair.
There was also a roommate who had so many visitors that there were about two months when I was consistently living with 3-7 people in my two-bedroom apartment. After the second visitor left I confronted her about all her company explaining that it was overwhelming to always have so many strangers in the apartment. "I pay rent too." Yes, she did, and I didn't own the couch so I left it at that.
Lastly, there was the worst roommate I've had. And I don't list her as the worst because she was messy, or mean, or zero fun, or an absolute nightmare of a person. I call her the worst of my roster because she had sex with her boyfriend in our shower ALL THE TIME. Now this may not seem like such a big deal for many of you, but when your bedroom shares a wall and a vent to the bathroom you can hear everything. So not only did I have to use this shared shower, but I had to endure listening to every squeal, whisper, and giggle that accompanied the relentless thuds against my bedroom wall at all hours of the day. Even after I asked her to be respectful and even after the other roommates agreed it was absurd and asked her to stop she and her boyfriend made no efforts to slow their...productivity. I eventually moved out, and needless to say I don't feel bad about using her personal brita filter to purify vodka.
Thank you to the absolutely phenomenal roommates I have had. I hope that my time with each of you has been as pleasant for you as it has been for me. I know I suck at doing dishes, but you know I could be a whole lot worse, you ungrateful little shits.
We all have our unique tastes in music. In fact, this very evening in the privacy of my own room, inclined by some strange school-induced suicidal mood, I started listening to My Chemical Romance. So yes, we all listen to music that may or may not match the taste of the ones with whom we live. This particular roommate, however, very much enjoyed listening to her music without headphones in shared spaces, and tried to convince you that you, too, enjoyed her music--particularly the tracks of the Icelandic nature. Bjork? Sigur Ros? What's wrong with those guys? No no. I literally mean Icelandic nature. What this particular roommate listened to were Icelandic soundscapes filled with chimes, and whistles, and the sound of whooshing winds and crunching snow, and it very much concerned me. The first several times she played it, I'll admit, I was intrigued. I thought, "how cool of this girl to not give a shit and listen to what she wants." This is until she played it every single night. She would listen to those tracks on loop for hours and hours on end, regardless of what she or I was doing , and it eventually became really uncomfortable to be around. Nevertheless, these songs--noises...whatever we want to call them--seemed to bring her so much peace and enjoyment that, because she was such a great roommate in every other sense, I never said a word. This one is on me.
That is the thing: I have always had the mentality that if something in my home irritates me, it's my problem not anyone else's.
Dirty floor bugging you, Stephanie? Clean the floor.
Dirty floor bugging you, Stephanie? Clean the floor.
Wine glasses aren't clear enough for you? Wash them yourself.
Want to make dinner but the only frying pan is locked in your roommates room? Go out and buy your own damn frying pan.
This roommate had a love--nay-an obsession with bacon. In the short time we lived together I don't think I ever saw her eating, or any evidence of her having eaten, anything besides bacon. About every three days she would fry up a 10lb bag of bacon and take it into her room, and this pan would not re-emerge for days. I don't know if she was sustaining herself over those several days with her enormous supply of bacon, or if she would eat it all in one sitting then let the pan fester. I have NO IDEA. All I know is that the pan went into her room with 10lbs of cooked bacon and would stay there for nearly seventy-two hours until it was hung back on the hook for however long it took until the next batch.
What happens behind closed doors is not my business. If roommate #2 wanted to shovel bacon in her gullet, that's her right! However, when roommates leave their doors open their actions become public. Those behaviors become a part of the collective living experience, so when another roommate that would invite over her boyfriend, leave her door open, then sit on the floor and make animal noises at him, it took everything I had not to record that shit and put it on youtube. Barking, oinking, meowing, and mooing that possibly started as a cute game eventually turned into some strange sort of foreplay for them, and just the sounds of a typical Wednesday for the rest of us.
Then, of course, there was the roommate that actually had an animal. This particular craigslist find was a self-employed, pot-smoking, ferret owner. Since I kept my bedroom and bathroom doors closed, having her little friend roaming around the house rarely bothered me. That is until the night she was leaving for Bonarroo. I was on a conference call, sitting in an arm chair next to the wifi router, piled below my laptop, my tablet, and a stack of sketches going over some designs with my professor when the roommate started carrying baskets down the stairs.
"I'm going to leave the door open!" she yelled, ignoring the fact that I was on the phone.
Out of the corner of my eye I could see her transporting things out of the house, a bushel of produce, a trunk of oversized costume props, a duffelbag of drug paraphernalia, etc. On her third or fourth trip down she stopped in the doorway: "Can you watch him for a minute?" she commanded while tossing her animal's leash over the back of my computer. Before I could even react she was out the door and I was on babysitting duty. Understandably, in her mind I was just sitting there, so I put the leash around my wrist and carried on with my meeting. For a few minutes everything was fine, then without warning the struggling at the other end of the leash stopped. Realizing instantly that the ferret had escaped his harness I leapt toward the open front door, dropping my computer, phone, and papers in the process.
"He's loose! Blank, he's off his leash!" I shrieked as I watched his little tail fade into the darkness outside. Immediately, my roommate and a half dozen friends from the minivan were running down the street after a ferret. I watched helplessly from the door for a moment, then assuming they had things under control I scrambled to pick up all my belongings and return to my meeting. When my roommate came back in a few minutes later with her pet, I put my call on silent to apologize and explain that he had escaped.
"You know, Stephanie, it's fine" she snorted with the utmost disgust. "I'm just not going to let you watch Rudolpho ever again."
I think that was totally fair.
There was also a roommate who had so many visitors that there were about two months when I was consistently living with 3-7 people in my two-bedroom apartment. After the second visitor left I confronted her about all her company explaining that it was overwhelming to always have so many strangers in the apartment. "I pay rent too." Yes, she did, and I didn't own the couch so I left it at that.
Lastly, there was the worst roommate I've had. And I don't list her as the worst because she was messy, or mean, or zero fun, or an absolute nightmare of a person. I call her the worst of my roster because she had sex with her boyfriend in our shower ALL THE TIME. Now this may not seem like such a big deal for many of you, but when your bedroom shares a wall and a vent to the bathroom you can hear everything. So not only did I have to use this shared shower, but I had to endure listening to every squeal, whisper, and giggle that accompanied the relentless thuds against my bedroom wall at all hours of the day. Even after I asked her to be respectful and even after the other roommates agreed it was absurd and asked her to stop she and her boyfriend made no efforts to slow their...productivity. I eventually moved out, and needless to say I don't feel bad about using her personal brita filter to purify vodka.
Thank you to the absolutely phenomenal roommates I have had. I hope that my time with each of you has been as pleasant for you as it has been for me. I know I suck at doing dishes, but you know I could be a whole lot worse, you ungrateful little shits.
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