"I know I'm tiny compared to you guys, but..."
I am 6'0" in heels. Depending on the shoe and that day's attitude toward posture, I'm sometimes scraping the +6'1" range. So why men under 5'5 have the incessant need to hit on me is a mystery I have yet to solve. I am certainly not excessively tall, but I have been around enough above average women in my lifetime to know that this phenomenon is a very common. I hate to be the one to break this news to the world, but few girls I know are interested in lowering her lips or her standards for someone in a different atmospheric layer.
In case you were skeptical of the math. 67" + 6" = 73" otherwise known as 6'1"
Sadly, short guys need to start being realistic. Even when you remove the stilettos from under my feet, I am still in a position to see straight over that (likely) balding head of yours. And since I wear some sort of elevated heel at least 75% of the time, my actual height barely matters. Really there is nothing wrong with a less-than-average height guy; they have just as much to offer the world as the rest of of us, but unless they plan on pulling a Louis XIV and investing in some platform loafers, I have very little interest in the genetic disproportion.
Hobbits of the world, before you go throw yourself off a building--because, of course, you can't reach high enough to hang yourself--remember that this is one person's opinion. On a recent coaching stint, I had a conversation with a 6'3" player of mine who claims she has no interest in dating someone taller than her. Therefore, it is possible to find a tall girl who doesn't mind shrinking down to smooch, but be warned, this type is rare. Before you go risk making a fool of yourself with some amazon woman, analyze the situation. Let me describe a scenario: you're out at a bar and are scanning the crowd when you see a beautiful blonde head sticking out over the rest. Where is she looking when she's not engaged in conversation? If she is squinting across the room above the rest of the crowd, DO NOT APPROACH. If she's searching the faces of people in your general region, then, since most girls suck at and do not participate in wing-womaning, she is probably prowling for herself and you can assume she is fair game. It can really be that simple. I have friends who deliberately never tilt their gaze lower than 90° to ensure they don't accidentally make eye contact with guys they're not interested in. No joke.
Short guys, I know this sucks. I feel for you. Am I being a bitch? Yes, but that doesn't mean I can't empathize. I know what it's like to be rejected for no other reason than height. I was all-state in high school, yet division I volleyball teams aren't interested in the 5'7 hitter no matter how high white girl can jump. Even though it might not be fair, and even though I will have an underlying complex about it my whole life, I deal with it. So is it fair that tall guys don't have to work as hard to get action? Is it fair that employers are more inclined to hire a tall person over a short person? It isn't fair, but guess what, you have to deal with it.
Rule of thumb: most women desire a guy at least 4" taller. Keep that in mind.
6'6" ftw