Monday, July 6, 2015

Anonymous Emails: A rant.

As some of you may have seen on my facebook, I am trying to find a new home for my sister's dog.  Despite my complaints about him, he is an incredibly lovable mutt, and she truthfully does not with to part with him.  However, circumstances have arisen that makes another home potentially more desirable.  Some day soon my funemployment will (hopefully) come to an end and there will be no one around for most hours of the day once my sister starts her new job. It is unfair to Boone who is still a puppy, and it is in this vein I posted an ad to craigslist, seeking a home with young active owners who can devote to to him the time and attention he deserves.  

Since I posted the ad a week ago, we have been vetting potential new owners to ensure that he is going to the right family.  Then last night I received this message from "Jack Russell":

I guess you didn't know ahead of time that graduate school would keep you busy. Hey don't let it bother you that you are shirking your responsibility because its become inconvenient. I hope you can put it out of your mind that the dog may miss you and wait for you to come home every day. Oh except you're not, you're too busy.
Have a great career!

Jack Russel, how dare you for one fucking minute think she is taking this decision lightly.  She and her boyfriend have done everything in their power to make the life of this animal as pleasant as possible.  Now, do I fully support their decision to get a dog?  I didn't.  I don't.  But they were young and stupid when they adopted him and have taken the best care of him possible within their means.  I have a feeling that since you spend your weekends trolling craigslist and sending harassing emails that you, too, have made some shitty decisions in your life.  

To be honest, I can't really tell what I am most angry about, but something about receiving this message from an anonymous cuntfuck has sent me on a rampage.  I am a person that is quick to judge, but it is a defensive instinct that dissolves quickly and generally I am able to forgive behaviors and circumstances.  I know I can say hurtful things--I have done it behind people's backs and to their faces alike--but I also have the capacity to be genuinely sorry and apologize. There is something so aggravating about this person's ability to hide behind his or her digital veil that makes it resonate as such an indecent and counterproductive act.  All this person has done has made me second guess the decision to Boone's best interest first.  Kindly go fuck yourself, Jack Russel.


However, now that I have written this and reread it, I have cooled down and am beginning to feel sorry for this person who must feel some sort of emptiness to write such a cruel message.  If he needed to get that off his chest, then fine.  I am doing the exact same thing right here right now. Next time have the courage do to it under your own name. pls & thx.

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